Thursday, October 20 - Saturday, October 22, 2011

Announcement (Oct-28-2011):
WoPHY pictures 2011 are now posted!
Announcement (Oct-21-2011):
Here are the winners of the Best Poster Award:
Lana Zholudeva, Creighton University, Omaha, NE: "Two-Photon Fluorescence Intensity and Lifetime Imaging Microscopy of Cultured Cells"
Julisha Joyner, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC: "Economical Bra for Women in Developing Nations"
W. J. Ong, Washington University, St. Louis, MO: "Isotopic and Elemental Characterization of Presolar Grains in Acfer 094"
Kaitlin Vandemark, Cleveland State University, Cleveland,OH: "Thermally Responsive Polypeptide Nanoparticles: Design and Characterization"
Sasha Mintz, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO: "Co-Administration of Anti-Cancer Drugs: Bisphosphonates and Taxol"
Announcement (July-28-2011):
Confirmed Speakers to Date:
Sheila Bailey (NASA Glenn Research Center)
Shirley Chiang (University of California - Davis)
Heike Geisler (University at Albany-SUNY)
Margaret Hill (Southeast Missouri State University)
Xia Hong (University of Nebraska)
Barbara Jones (IBM Almaden Research Center)
Julia Medvedeva (Missouri University of Science & Technology)
Linda Olafsen (Baylor University)
Announcement (May-27-2011):
This years conference will be held on October 20-22, 2011. Please check our web page regularly for updates.
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